"Welcome to YellowOwl, an online classroom on hormones and lifestyle, designed and hosted by an endocrinologist.
If ever you’re wondering about the name, here goes the story:
Owls are birds that depict intelligence and feminity. But owls are usually awake in the night.Yellow is a symbol of positivity and morning sunrise.YellowOwl stands for those women who change their
lifestyles for the better, by being morning persons, and thereby optimize their hormones.
This application will deal with common hormonal and metabolic disorders which are commonly seen in women.
The classes will be interestingly explained by Dr Sakthivel Sivasubramanian MD DM, Consultant
Endocrinologist, The Hormone Clinic,Trichy,Tamilnadu,India. Dr Sakthi believes in keeping it simple,
informative and interactive.
About the Doctor:
YellowOwl is the brain-child of Dr Sakthivel Sivasubramanian. Dr.Sakthivel hails from the city of
Tiruchirappalli (Trichy) in Tamilnadu.He was born and raised in the same city and has been a
practicing endocrinologist for more than 7 years now. He is also a national-level speaker in endocrinology and has authored chapters on Diabetes.He was formerly a visiting Specialist
Endocrinologist to Dubai UAE and is a visiting Consultant Endocrinologist to Maldives.He is the founder and Medical Director of The Hormone Clinic - a Diabetes,Thyroid and Hormones Superspeciality Clinic in Trichy.Dr Sakthi believes in combining science with day-to-day living in a holistic manner.The classes will echo his thought process.
The following are the list of classes available, both in English and Tamil.
Thyroid Masterclass (Three 60-minute sessions )
Being an endocrinologist,Dr Sakthi unravels the basic science about thyroid, its normal functioning and its disorders. He then deftly guides you into the most common questions about thyroid including testing for thyroid problems, their relevance and interpretations, and lucidly explaining the science
behind it. The class also touches upon the various lifestyle aspects which may help towards better optimization of thyroid status. This master-class has been designed for three 60-minute sessions.
The first session will deal with:
-Basic structure and functioning of the thyroid gland
-Concept of Feedback mechanism
-Importance of Iodine in thyroid function
-Understanding TSH,T3,T4, FREE T3, FREE T4
The second session will deal with:
-Common thyroid problems
-Problems with thyroid function
-Problems with Thyroid structure
-Ultrasound Thyroid-What to know
-FNAC Thyroid-The basics
The final session will deal with:
-What can you do to optimize your thyroid
-Lifestyle & Thyroid
-Diet & Thyroid
-Myths & Facts
By the end of the class you will get clear grip over the basics of thyroid disorders and simple lifestyle
changes that can make a difference.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a very common metabolic problem in adult women. This class
starts with the basics about the ovaries and what factor lead to PCOS. There is also an elaborate
explanation into the mechanism of Insulin Resistance and its contribution to the problem. The class
also attempts to clarify many myths and misconceptions about PCOS which are widely prevalent.
Lifestyle measures which could reduce the triggers are also discussed in this compact master-class.
Do follow us on our social media handles, we shall keep you abreast with upcoming updates about
our forthcoming classes.
INSTAGRAM: drsakthivel.endo
EMAIL: drsakthivel.endo@gmail.com"